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  • Songea Road, Njombe Town, Njombe-Tanzania
  • Quality Agriculture Input Products

  • Service Provider Of All Time

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Training/ Consultancy

Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises has a professional team with specialists in all areas of agricultural innovation, manufacturing, production and training that accompanies you from design to commissioning.
We guide on Good Agro-Environmental Practices, provides a series of tips on fertilizing crops to optimise the application of nutrients and use them in the most environmentally-friendly and responsible way possible.

More than 5 years of specialized knowledge that we transfer to our clients so that they can master all the tools, skills and know-how that will ensure the profitability and productivity of their crops.
In our commitment to sharing information on agronomics, we are pleased to make available a set of guides, publications and other interesting content to keep you informed.

Benefits of well-trained teams

  • Increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Improved risk-management and staff safety.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Higher morale and a happier work environment.
  • Reduced staff turnover.
  • Better work culture and improved corporate image.

Training and consultancy

Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises

Advice, training and support

We help you take full advantage of the latest technologies giving advice, technical agronomic training and support at all project stages to make the most out of your facilities.

Contact us to learn more

Popular questions

The skills in this module are developed with reference to the Millennium Development Goals; national and community circumstances with cognizance of traditional community agri-business management systems.

The purpose of this module is for agribusiness owners and agricultural managers to obtain knowledge about generally accepted and harmonised accounting practice statements for the agribusiness, the fanancial statements that must be compiled for accounting purpose and to analyse financial statements using ratios to determine the financial position of the agribusiness.

Understanding the basic structure of a plant, the different mechanisms or processes that operate in the life of a plant and their importance.

Farm management as a problem-solving tool is discussed in relation to both positive and negative impacts on society; agribusiness and food security; and good practice trends as a means of achieving quality control on farm management practices.