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Spotlight on Mozambique: Bringing it to the people

Africa’s rural agriculture is built on the back of women.
From tilling the land to everything in-between including watering and weeding, African women do it all.

The women of Chibavana, a district of Sofala Province in Mozambique, are some of the hardest working farmers in the region. All year-round, they rise to the fields at dawn and leave them at dusk, their work is hard and demanding, making it difficult for them to find time to travel to the city to buy farm inputs.

  • Smallholder farmers
  • Working together for the greater good
  • From poverty to prosperity
  • From seed to market
  • Hunger is ending

AFAP recently developed an innovative program that brings agriculture inputs closer to rural farming communities in Mozambique.

We are happy that seeds, fertilizers, and implements are much closer to us now. Whoever thought of this idea was thinking of us women.

Mkombozi Admin

Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises Limited
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